Greetings, You are being summoned to appear at the Hidalgo County Courthouse 1st Floor Auditorium, located at 100 N. Closner, Edinburg, Texas; to serve as a Juror in the District and County Courts of Hidalgo County. THE FOLLOWING “JUROR QUESTIONNAIRE” IS MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT CODE, SECTION 62.0132. Your answers are CONFIDENTIAL and may be disclosed only to the judge, court personnel, the litigant, and the litigant’s attorney. On the following screen please enter your 10 digit Candidate ID and Date of Birth. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete your questionnaire. Note: You must complete ALL of the questions on the questionnaire, or none of your answers will be saved. (PLEASE BE ADVISED ONLY GRAND JURY QUESTIONNAIRES MUST BE MAILED TO OUR OFFICE)
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